Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day Message

This week we celebrate Earth Day, Passover, and Good Friday. These days are ones of beauty and brokeness, a time to be called out of the chains of bondage. We walked the Via Dolorosa around the neighborhood today, the Way of Sorrow, each of the 14 stations a place where somebody has been murdered. Each of these places where violence has filled the land. We lament.

Today on Democracy NOW Amy Goodman facilitates a conversation with physicist Vandana Shiva and Maude Barlow on the Rights of the Earth for Earth Day and their thoughts from the Global Harmony with Nature Conference at the United Nations. A revolution of "Harmony with Nature" was passed by the General Council on the UN yesterday proposed by Bolivia and Ecuador. The wisdom of the mountains are speaking. This piece reveals the depths of interconnectivity of the social, ecological, and economic concerns in our trajectory toward sustainability.