Monday, May 2, 2011

Heirloom Seedling

Here's some of the varieties of current seedlings we have to share at the CFET



Tasty round fruit are bright red with orange stripes. The 2-inch tomatoes are quite beautiful. The yields are high even in cool summers, and it starts producing very early. It also has good disease resistance. So smooth, so pretty!

2. Henderson’s Pink Ponderosa

87 days. Huge size, some over 2 lbs., a meaty pink-red beefsteak introduced by Peter Henderson & Co. in 1891, and the most famous of their varieties. Their 1903 catalog said “Quality Beyond Praise, Rich and meaty-sliced. Thick and delicious canned.” Still popular with gardeners.

3. Brandywine

The most popular heirloom vegetable! A favorite of many gardeners; large fruit with superb flavor. A great potato-leafed variety from 1885! Beautiful pink fruit up to 1-1/2 lbs. each!

4. Amish Paste

Many seeds savers believe this is the ultimate paste tomato. Giant, blocky Roma-type tomatoes have delicious red flesh that is perfect for paste and canning. World class flavor and comes from an Amish community in Wisconsin. Bright red 8-12 ounce fruits vary in shape from oxheart to rounded plum. Delicious flesh is juicy and meaty, excellent for sauce or fresh eating

5. Kentucky Beefsteak

An enormous, luminescent orange beefsteak from the "Bluegrass State." The flavor is superbly sweet, mild and fruity. A wonderful tomato for market growers; can grow up to 2 lbs. This heirloom was collected from Eastern Kentucky.

6. Cherokee Purple

80 days. An old Cherokee Indian heirloom, pre-1890 variety; beautiful deep dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very large sized fruit. Try this one for real old-time tomato flavor.

7. Ukranian Purple Tomato

(aka Purple Russian) Original stock of this variety came from Irma Henkel in the Ukraine. Plumshaped fruits are 3-4" long and weigh 6 ounces, generally crack-free. Great flavor, sweet and meaty. Plants are very productive. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

8. Reisentraube Cherry Tomato

Originally from Germany. Name translates as “giant bunches of grapes.” Introduced commercially in the U.S. in 1994 by Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. High-yielding plants. Tasty 1" fruits are borne on large sprays and shaped like beaked plums. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

9. Sungold Cherry

This is a selection from the regular Sungold tomato, sent to us by Reinhard Kraft of Germany. This is one of the tastiest orange cherry tomatoes out there! This little cherry was the favorite of many of our staff last summer; we love the sweet tangy taste! This variety is not completely stable and a few plants still produced red fruit.

10. Jersey Giant Tomato

This New Jersey canning variety is on the verge of extinction! Large, 6-inch long, pepper-shaped fruit are packed with great tomato flavor. Delicious fresh from the garden. Their large size makes them a snap to can. Their thick, rich flesh is much tastier than modern paste types, and the fruit have very few seeds. One of my personal favorites.

12. Czech Yellow

A great variety from Ben Quisenberry. Surprisingly strong flavor for a yellow tomato, 3" round fruits, 3-4 ounces, extremely productive plants supply a steady stream of uniform fruits. Great for salads, sauce and fresh. Indeterminate

13. California Sweet Green Pepper

14. Thai Chilli Pepper

Purple Cayenne
Red Habanero
Peach Habanero

15. Ping Tung Eggplant

70 days. A wonderful eggplant from Ping Tung, Taiwan. Fruits are purple and up to 18 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. This variety is so sweet and tender, superbly delicious! One of the best

Chinese eggplants on the market.

Black Beauty Eggplant

16. Black Beauty Zucchini

Red Rock Cabbage

Southern Collard Greens

17. Basil

18. Parsley

19. Dill

