Tuesday, February 14, 2012

CSA Sign-ups! (Community Supported Agriculture)

The time has come... its time to sign-up for the CSA that we are hosting in collaboration with Greensgrow Farm here in Waterfront South at our Youth-led Farmers Market just off the corner of Broadway & Ferry in Camden.

Fridays 4-7pm, May-November
(please e-mail aferich@gmail.com for fliers, i'd also love to come share with your group)

If you'd like to know more about what a CSA is, and why it supports the local economy of Camden, and farmers from all over the region here's a little more info. Basically you pay money upfront to become a member of the community that comes to pick-up produce:

Greensgrow CSA in Camden
Community Supported Agriculture.
Did you know that the average American dinner has traveled 1,700 miles from the farm to the dinner table? Want to eat healthy fruits and vegetables from within a 150 mile radius? Then considering joining the Waterfront South CSA. What is CSA?- It stands for Community Supported Agriculture and has become an innovative model in sustainable agriculture. When a group of people join as members they come every week to the farmstand to pick up their share of what was grown by local farmers. The fruits, vegetables, and a protein are in your share every week. This helps the farmers to stay connected with you, the consumer, throughout the growing season. In the share each week, members, will receive a seasonal assortment of six to eight locally grown, fresh vegetables, and two types of fruits from a local orchard, a locally made cheese, and the choice of another dairy/protein option: yogurt, butter, one dozen eggs, seitan or tofu. In the share throughout the season, sometimes you’ll receive a variety of locally prepared foods like a loaf of fresh baked bread, apple cider, honey, fresh pasta, or dips and sauces all produced locally. Members can choose to receive a full share or a half share, which they pick once a week or every other week. Some smaller families have chosen to join with their neighbors, sharing a full or half share.
An example share of a week in August will include:
-12 dozen organic eggs
-one piece swiss
5 oz. organic spring mix
1 bunch parsley
-2 lbs. peaches
2 red bell peppers
2 lbs. tomatoes
2 lbs squash
2 lb. red potatoes
1 sugar baby watermelon
2 slicing cucumbers
for the weekly cost of $32.30/ week

Why in Camden?
The CSA will take place at the Center For Environmental Transformation at Broadway and Ferry every Friday from May- November at the Waterfront South Farmers Market. Through hosting the CSA the Center and Greensgrow will continue to be able to make healthy food accessible at an affordable cost to all Camden residents in 8 different neighborhoods. The Center’s Farmstand is youth lead, growing over 2,000 pounds of organic heirloom produce each year, in a city with only one grocery store. Your support of this CSA and Farmstand help to build the local economy in Camden as well supporting a wide variety of local farmers within a 150 mile radius.
The details:
CLick the LiNK!!
